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January 2008

DZOIC Handshakes Professional :: The Best Social Networking Script / Software in PHP

by springnet
Are you looking for an ideal software solution so you can start your own social networking portal? If so, then you have just found what you were looking for.

7 Twitters Of The World

by springnet
Twitter: easy to love, easy to clone. The first startup a young, aspiring web developer might want to try and build will probably be some version of Twitter, which can clearly be seen from all the local/regional Twitter clones we’re encountering every d

December 2007

Twitter Groups!

by springnet
Twitter Groups allows you to tag your followers into different groups. Then you can send a message to those groups without needing to send the message to each person one at a time!

The Big Boys of Social Bookmarking - The Top 24 Sites » 10e20 - Search, Design & Social

by springnet
the folks over at eBizMBA have put together a list of the top 20 social bookmarking sites. They based their results on data on a combination of and Quantcast data

SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards

by springnet & 11 others
Our team reviewed hundreds of sites in the Web 2.0 sphere to uncover the best in each of 41 categories. From there, we assembled a team of 25 of the most knowledgeable, well-respected experts in the field to vote on the winners.

November 2007

List of Web 2.0 Lists

by springnet & 11 others
Anyway here is (in no particular order) a list of the web 2.0 lists and other helpful product data that I've found on the Web.

Nine Ways to Build Your Own Social Network

by springnet & 4 others
We have taken a sample of nine of these companies - Ning, KickApps, CrowdVine, GoingOn, CollectiveX,, PeopleAggregator, Haystack, and ONEsite - all of which provide free baseline services, and reviewed them individually below

by springnet
If you spend, or plan to spend, substantial dollars on Web services or software support for your startup, you’ll want to read this post. I’m going to show you how, with my 8 Steps to Running Your Business Off Low-Cost Web-Apps,


by springnet & 1 other
outlook sync for contacts, calendar, pim web based

Who's Using It? - OpenSocial - Google Code

by springnet
bebo, currenttv, friendster, imeem, myspace, netvibes, ning, orkut, paypal, plaxo, slide, xing, etc. are all opensocial launch partners

PocketMod version 0.3 beta

by springnet & 22 others
The PocketMod is a small book with guides on each page. These guides or templates, combined with a unique folding style, enable a normal piece of paper to become the ultimate note card. It is hard to describe just how incredibly useful the PocketMod is. I

trendalicious v2.0

by springnet & 1 other
trendalicious is a real-time ranking of the 100 most popular web pages as reflected by, digg, and reddit. URLs posted to those sites are collected and ranked by their total number of votes or links.

October 2007

Web2.0 Template

by springnet & 1 other
turns search results form google,, amazon, yahoo, etc into live running slideshow of websites that are "live" and browsable while the show is running.

Somewhat Frank :: web 2.0 ● technology ● life :: blog by Frank Gruber

by springnet & 1 other
An intriguing approach that I have recently seen on the rise is the usage of a virtual assistant. This article will look at a few of the current online personal assistant options.

The Web Profile Aggregators : Somewhat Frank :: web 2.0 ● technology ● life :: blog by Frank Gruber

by springnet & 1 other
Several products have emerged in an effort to help users better manage and display all of their profiles in one place. This article will showcase these web profile aggregators more closely as we look to unify our online identities & stay updated

More than 100 Web 2.0 Online Generators

by springnet & 44 others
Here the list of online generators specifically for web 2.0 design: enjoy it!

September 2007

Diigo To Launch WebSlides At TechCrunch40

by springnet
The new widget is an embeddable player that presents feeds or bookmarks as live web pages in an interactive slideshow format, complete with the full content, pages, links, comments, and ads.

Explore Twitter!

by springnet
Welcome! We needed a place to experiment and help folks get more out of Twitter. Motorola was cool enough to step up and help us launch Explore. If you haven’t yet, try interacting with Twitter through the devices featured below—and watch this space,

Simple todo list and task manager: Todoist

by springnet & 10 others
Todoist features a simple and intuitive interface that helps you get organized without getting in your way. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to achieve blazing efficiency.